Fast Software Encryption 2007

March 26-28

Luxembourg City, Luxembourg


Rump Session

The rump session of FSE 2007 was chaired by Joan Daemen on 27 March, Tuesday at 15:00 - 16:00. The rump session is an informal session in which participants give short presentations on recent results, work in progress, and other topics of interest to the Fast Software Encryption community. Presentations that are not purely technical in nature are welcome. Conference or workshop announcements would not be accepted unless they brought some clear added value.

Those wishing to give a talk at the rump session must have submitted an abstract of at most one page to the rump session chair Joan Daemen or to the program chair Alex Biryukov at the conference before 10:45 on Tuesday, March 27.


Submissions should have consisted of:

The rump session chair, together with the program chair, selected a program for the session. Their decision was final and no correspondence was entered into.


IACR announcement (PDF)
Bart Preneel
eSTREAM Algorithms for the Next Round (PDF)
Bart Preneel and Matt Robshaw
When cryptanalysis meets side-channel (PDF)
Alex Biryukov and Dmitry Khovratovich
Algebraic and slide attacks on KeeLoq (PDF)
Nicolas Courtois and Gregory Bard
Defectoscopy — Automated Cryptanalysis of the algebraic structure
Sean O'Neal
WeWoRC 2007 (PDF)
Christopher Wolf
Dan Bernstein and Tanja Lange
Fast serious encryption (PDF)
Tom, Nigel, Raphael, Orr and Dan
Samos: Emerging topics in cryptographic design and cryptanalysis
Carlos Cid
ECRYPT hash function workshop (PDF)
Christian Rechberger
Cryptanalysis of White-Box DES Implementations with arbitrary External Encodings (PDF)
Brecht Wyseur, Wil Michiels, Paul Gorissen and Bart Preneel
Advanced FORK-256 (PDF)
Seokhie Hong
About differential path in MD4 (PDF)
Gaetan Leurent
Practical Password Recovery on an MD5 Challenge-Response such as APOP (PDF)
Yu Sasaki, Go Yamamoto and Kazumaro Aoki
Extended APOP Password Recovery Attack (PDF)
Yu Sasaki, Lei Wang, Kazuo Ohta, Noboru Kunihiro
A Collision for 70-step SHA-1 in a Minute (PDF)
Christophe De Canniere, Florian Mendel, Christian Rechberger


Video+Slides in MPEG4 [680 MB]